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The Board of Trustees and the Anzac Memorial Act 1923

Trustees of the Anzac Memorial at the December 2023 meeting.

The Anzac Memorial is overseen by a Board of Trustees responsible for the management, maintenance and preservation of the Memorial as NSW's principal war memorial. Its significance is reflected in the unique composition of its board with the positions of Premier and Leader of the Opposition, Lord Mayor of Sydney, State President of the RSL (NSW Branch), the Government Architect, State Librarian and Secretary of the Department of Education, Australian Defence Force, veterans and community representatives all legislated Trustees with the Anzac Memorial Act 1923.


Chair: NSW Premier, The Hon Chris Minns MP

Proxy: Minister for Veterans; The Hon David Harris MP
Minister Harris worked for 23 years in the public education system, 17 years of that time serving as Principal across a number of Primary schools. He is involved in a number of charity organisations including United in Football Central Coast and supports IRIS Foundation, Coast Hands, We Care Connect and Because We Care Boutique, still plays football (Soccer) for Barnstoneworth United 45Ds and is an active patrolling surf lifesaver. He held a number of Shadow Minister portfolios before becoming the Minister for Veterans in the new Minns Government.


Deputy Chair: State President, RSL (NSW Branch); Mr Mick Bainbridge
Elected as RSL NSW President October 2023, Mick Bainbridge served in the Army as a Commando in the Special Forces. He was deployed to Afghanistan and East Timor. Mick is a director and solicitor of a veteran-owned and operated law firm. He has completed a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce, a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (GDLP), and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors Course. 

Mick has been a member of RSL NSW for seven years and is an advocate for issues impacting veterans and families and is committed to being a voice for RSL NSW members. 


Trustee:  Leader of the Opposition; The Hon Mark Speakman SC, MP

Proxy:  Ms Robyn Preston MP
Raised in Western Sydney by her mother after her father died suddenly, Robyn learned early about the value of a strong work ethic and families uniting.  Robyn’s career spans private, public, not-for-profit and small business sectors and she was also Australia’s first female rugby league commentator on commercial television. Robyn served in Local Government for 12½ years and was elected Deputy Mayor for 2 years. In 2019 she was elected as the State Member for Hawkesbury serving as the Parliamentary Secretary for Science Innovation and Technology.  Robyn is now the Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly, Shadow Minister for Mental Health and Medical Research and Shadow Minister for Veterans.


Trustee: The Right Honourable Lord Mayor, Clover Moore 

Proxy: Mr Phillip Thalis 
A Registered Architect and Life Fellow of the Australian Institute of Architects (LFRAIA). Philip has served as the City of Sydney’s representative on the Trust since 2016, when Philip was elected to Council. While a Councillor, Philip was Deputy Chair of the Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee, the Chair of the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee and a member of the Central Sydney Planning Committee.

As director of Hill Thalis Architecture + Urban Projects, he has more than 30 years’ experience in the design of public space, urban design, multiple housing, infrastructure and heritage adaptation. Concurrently he is a Professor of Practice in Architecture at UNSW.


Trustee: Secretary, Department of Education; Murat Dizdar PSM

Proxy: Ms Raechel McCarthy
Raechel is the Relieving Director, School Performance in the Deputy Secretary, North Office.  School Performance are responsible for providing quality public education for all students in NSW government schools while providing service and support to principals and teachers in all NSW government schools to deliver high-quality public education. Raechel’s substantive role is Director Educational Leadership Lake Illawarra South Network, providing support for primary, high school and SSP schools in the Shellharbour area. Raechel has held an extensive range of roles in her career in education starting as a History teacher in South Western Sydney. She has taught in both the New South Wales and Western Australian education system and is passionate about improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal students. 


Trustee: NSW Government Architect; Ms Abbie Galvin
Announced on 1 Oct 2019 as the 24th NSW Government Architect, first woman to hold the position. Ms Galvin has worked on a range of high-profile projects both in Australia and in Hong Kong as a Principal and Director of BVN, one of Australia’s largest and most highly acclaimed architectural practices. Other recent roles include member of the Design Advisory Panel for the World Heritage Listed Sydney Opera House, member of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects 2017 Architecture and Urban Design Awards, the National Jury for the Australian Institute of Architecture 2016 National Awards, and in 2014 chaired the NSW Institute of Architecture’s Awards Jury.

Proxy: N/A


Trustee: NSW State Librarian; Dr Caroline Butler-Bowdon
Dr Caroline Butler-Bowdon is a published author in architecture and urban history and has 20 years of leadership experience in public institutions, including Sydney Living Museums (the Historic Houses Trust) and the Art Gallery of NSW. Her career has been dedicated to leadership that connects citizens and visitors to special places, culture and heritage through a broad range of statewide public engagement programs. Before starting at the State Library, she was a Deputy Secretary for Cities and Active Transport for NSW Government, where her work focused on major policy and program of investment in NSW addressing the wellbeing, walkability and activation in our streets, and civic places. She also serves on a range of juries, committees and boards to promote the power of place, culture, community and public space in Australia.

Proxy: N/A


Trustee: Australian Defence Force Representative, RADM Chris Smith AM CSM RAN
Appointed Commander Australian Fleet on 16 December 2022, Rear Admiral Smith joined the Royal Australian Naval College in 1989. His seagoing appointments have included HMA Ships Stalwart, Parramatta (III), Brunei, Perth (II), Ipswich, Geraldton, Canberra (II), Anzac and Command of HMA Ships Gladstone, Darwin and Canberra (III). His shore appointments have included staff officer to the Chief of Defence Force, Deputy Director of Sailors’ Career Management, Director Navy Warfare Professional Requirements, 2015 Force Structure Review team, Commander Surface Force, Director General Littoral and most recently Deputy Chief of Navy.

His operational deployments have included Operation HELPEM FREN in 2003, Operation CATALYST as the Australian Liaison Officer to the US Central Command Forward Headquarters in 2008 and the inaugural LHD operational deployment in Canberra (III) providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in support of Operation FIJI ASSIST 2016. Rear Admiral Smith completed the Australian Command and Staff Course in 2004 and the US Naval War College in 2013. He holds a Masters of Management in Defence Studies, a Masters in Maritime Studies and a Masters of Arts (International Relations).

Proxy: N/A


Trustee: Veterans’ Representative; Mr Ray James OAM
The son of a WWII veteran, Ray joined the naval branch of the Australian Defence Force at 15 years of age and completed 20 years full-time and war-like active service, including Vietnam, and a further 26 years in the Royal Australian Navy Reserve before retiring at the rank of Chief Petty Officer. As a civilian, Mr James served for over 20 years in the NSW Transport Investigation Branch and the NSW Police Force.

Ray has been a member of the RSL NSW since October 1975 (50 years in 2025) and active since the late 1990’s. He has held executive positions at Sub Branch level within the Ingleburn RSL Sub Branch and District Council level within the Far Southern Metropolitan District Council. He has held positions at RSL NSW State Council level and the RSL NSW State Board. Ray has held the positions of Vice President Metropolitan and was the first Royal Australian Navy veteran to be appointed as President of RSL NSW. He was awarded Life Membership of the League in 2016 and awarded the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) at the 2024 RSL NSW State Congress. This award is the highest award to be honoured within the RSL movement. He was also awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) at the 2020 Queen’s Birthday Honours List in recognition of his work in the Veteran community. Ray is a Justice of the Peace (JP) and also a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD). His wife, Pauline, is the State Coordinator of the RSL NSW Auxiliaries.

Proxy: N/A


Trustee: Community Representative; Ms Sally Loane
Sally Loane is a Non-Executive Director, business leader and former journalist and broadcaster. Sally is a Director of Chubb Insurance Australia, Venues NSW, Destination NSW and Pankind, the Australian Pancreatic Cancer Research Foundation. She is a member of the Advisory Board of consulting firm Orizontas. Sally was the CEO of the peak industry organisation for financial services, the Financial Services Council from 2014-21. Sally was the first female Director of Waratahs Rugby in its 135-year history (2010-2017) and was a Director of SCEGGS Darlinghurst for 12 years.

Proxy: N/A


Trustees Honorary Secretary: Caroline Mackaness, BA, Dip Mus Studies 
Appointed as the Honorary Secretary in August 2014, Caroline is the Director of the NSW Office for Veterans Affairs and has led the recent NSW Government work in response to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide as well as delivery of the State’s first whole of government Veterans Strategy 2021-2024. She has extensive experience and leadership across the public sector in policy and strategy as well as in the heritage, arts and museums sector and has been recognised for her excellence in leadership. Caroline led the successful delivery of the state significant and multiple award-winning Anzac Memorial Centenary Project on behalf of the Trustees through 2014-2018, and the delivery of the NSW Government Program for the Centenary of Anzac. Caroline is Chair of the State War Memorials Committee and sits on a number of other boards and committees at a state and national level.